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Feed the Hungry

"For I was hungry and you gave me food...
     Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me."

Everyone has the right to have access healthy food. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Many of our neighbors struggle with food insecurity. 

In Brown County, over 23,000 people do not have access to enough food to lead a healthy life. We as Catholic Christians are called to love our neighbors and ensure that basic needs of everyone are met.


At Resurrection, there are opportunities for you to participate with feeding the hungry:

November 2021 - Announcement Slides (17).png

Dinners at St. John's Shelter

Resurrection Parish is once again offering a meal for the guests at the shelter.  You can participate in several ways:

  • Help Prepare the meal. 

  • Purchase the beverages and/or plates, silverware, etc.  

  • Deliver the meal to St John’s Homeless Shelter.  

  • Serve the meal from 5:30-7:15pm.

  • Make a monetary donation to help pay for the meal. Make check to Resurrection with memo Meals for St John’s 

If want to do this with a group of friends or neighbors, you can choose the date you want. We will reserve the Gathering Area kitchen in the afternoon of the meal for use by those preparing meals.  The menus are flexible.  

We are scheduled for the following Fridays:

  • January 28 - shredded pork, buns, salad, dessert

  • February 11 – chicken with pasta, salad, dessert

  • February 18 – stuffed shells, garlic bread, salad, dessert

  • February 25 – hot beef sandwiches, salad, dessert


Here is what we need for each meal:

Plan meal for 135 ( numbers are high during these cold months)

  •  4 Gallons milk 

  • 1-2 gallons juice/drink

  •  Paper plates, cups, silverware, bowls as needed

Deliver meal ready to be served by 5:30

3-5 people needed to serve

Stay until 7:15


Contact Sheila at or 920-217-6259

Ready to Participate?

Contact Sheila at or 920-217-6259

Who is St. John’s Ministries?​

This is a name that refers to our organization as a whole. St. John’s Ministries provides its services across four locations.

At our two seasonal emergency shelters of last resort, we provide adults experiencing homelessness with a safe place to sleep during the harsh winter months.

At the Micah Center and Wellspring, our two daytime resource centers, we equip adults experiencing homelessness – as well as community members at-risk – with the tools to achieve self-sufficiency.


What is our mission?

Our mission is to honor the dignity, restore hope and create lasting change for those experiencing homelessness or housing instability in the Green Bay community.

At St. John’s Ministries, we believe that each person is unique, with the same inherent worth as the day they were born. We meet each of our guests right where they’re at and walk alongside them on their journey. Our vision is that through a spirit of familiarity, rapport and trust, each person will leave better than they came.


The dinners you provide as part of this Meal Train directly impact our mission!

If you would like to sign up to provide and serve a meal beyond the nights Resurrection is committed to, click the button below. 

Resurrection Catholic Parish  |  333 Hilltop Dr Green Bay, WI 54301   |   |   Tel: 920-336-7768

 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-3:00pm

©2024 by Resurrection Catholic Parish

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