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Parish Staff

Father Tom Reynebeau


Pastoral Care, Hospital & Home Visits, Sacrament of the Sick

Deacon Kevin DeCleene


Marriage, Parish Vitality & Planning, Prayer & Care,
Small Groups, Stewardship

Deacon Mike Grzeca

Senior Deacon

Spiritual Listening

Deacon Roger Vandervest

Senior Deacon

Spiritual Direction

One of my greatest passions is family life.  It is my hope to help build upon the many great things that have been happening here in the parish for our families.

Karolyn Efferson

Faith Formation Coordinator

Faith Formation, Sacramental Prep, Family Life,
Health & Wellness, Parish Planning

That the parish continues its strong liturgical prayer which drives each parishioner to live out the gospel.  In my short time at Resurrection, I've seen great involvement both within the parish and the local community and my hope is that this will continue to be enhanced.

Wayne Efferson

Director of Worship


Katie McAllister

Communications and Technology Coordinator

Technology, Bulletin, Media

I hope to build on the incredible ministry that has already been done at Res.  We stand on some really big shoulders!  But the needs of our neighbors on the margins are great and seemingly getting greater.  My dream would be that every member of Resurrection Parish discover and apply their gifts, talents and strengths to meeting a specific need of our neighbor. As the Good Samaritan story reminds us, there are people lying in the ditches of society everywhere. Our ability to recognize the need, use our gifts and talents to address the need, and thus, create a loving relationship that is nourished by the Eucharist is what Church is all about.  The final exam is this:  how well are we loving our neighbor and recognizing the Christ present in him or her?  My hope is that every person at Res passes this exam with flying colors!

Tony Pichler

Mission Outreach Director

Parish Planning, Adult Enrichment, Social Justice

Sarah LeSage

Administrative Assistant

Membership data, census, sacramental records, Safe Environment

I love the family atmosphere at Resurrection where people care about God and about each other.

Sharon Pfluger

Music Minister

Children's Choir Direction

Bill Campion



Glenn Champeau



Resurrection Catholic Parish  |  333 Hilltop Dr Green Bay, WI 54301   |   |   Tel: 920-336-7768

 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-3:00pm

©2024 by Resurrection Catholic Parish

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