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Church of the Home for Saturday, March 12

Welcoming All to the Table


Part 1

By Susha Roberts

Jesus often used meals to engage with people and teach important lessons. And he continues to call us to his table to feast on who he is and learn more about him through his Word. Jesus’ example provides an opportunity to invite friends, outcasts and even enemies to know God’s story of love and salvation.

Most of us eat three meals a day.

Over the span of a year, that’s 1,095 meals.

In the book of Luke alone, there are 10 stories of Jesus dining with various people. Let’s look at each of these meals and what they could mean for you. This week we'll look at the first five stories and next week will continue with the last five stories.

1. Dining with the enemy — Luke 5:27-32

In Jesus’ time, tax collectors were pretty much hated by the people. These were Jews who were taking advantage by collecting Rome’s taxes plus a surcharge to line their own pockets (Luke 19:8). To many, they were considered “outsiders” and just as much enemies as the Romans. Jesus eating a meal with a tax collector would be like you having dinner with a loan shark. How would your friends and family react to that?


  • Do you know any “enemies” that need Jesus?

2. The uninvited guest — Luke 7:36-50

Have you ever hosted a dinner party only to have someone unexpected (and possibly unwanted) show up?

Jesus went to Simon the Pharisee’s house for a prestigious dinner, where topics of the day were to be discussed. Since the dining areas in the homes of the elite were often partially open to the street, the public could listen to the conversations.

Enter the “sinful woman”. She crossed the invisible barrier into the invited, elite space and shocked all in attendance with her actions.

She was coming to seek forgiveness. Jesus was often interrupted in his ministry — from those who called out for help from the sidelines or touched him in a crowd. He wasn’t angry with any of them for messing with his agenda. Instead, he had compassion and stopped to meet their needs.


  • Could an unexpected guest in your life be an opportunity to minister?

3. Feeding the hungry — Luke 9:10-17

In Luke’s account, Jesus fed 5,000 people (not including women and children) who had come to hear him speak. He didn’t have to feed them. After all, they were getting fed truth. Wasn’t that enough?

Jesus knew they also had physical needs. In Matthew 25 Jesus reveals that those who truly know him serve others in very real ways, such as feeding the hungry and giving a drink to the thirsty. This can apply to serving food to the homeless or simply finding out if someone who’s visiting you might be thirsty.

Meeting the basic physical needs of people often ministers more than words and ultimately gives you a kind of integrity that can lead to a deeper conversation.


  • Is someone around you hungry or thirsty?

4. Smell the roses — Luke 10:38-42

Just like us, Jesus had friends. Siblings Lazarus, Mary and Martha were dear to him and no doubt he enjoyed getting together with them. Martha — the hostess with the mostest — was working hard to prepare a good meal for Jesus.

When Martha complained about her sister, who was just sitting and listening to Jesus, she was probably surprised when he rebuked her. Essentially, he said that Mary’s choice to sit and listen to him was better than all the work she was doing.

Whether you’re having friends over for dinner or serving at church, make time to enjoy the people you’re serving. Consider taking that five-course meal down a notch, because it’s the laughs and the meaningful moments that are most memorable.


  • Are you too busy to spend time with people?

5. Wash what matters — Luke 11:37-53

Life is messy. In Jesus’ time the roads were dusty and traveling guaranteed a certain measure of dirt on your person. When he was invited to dine with a Pharisee, he was criticized for not washing. They weren’t talking about washing your hands before dinner. They were judging him because he didn’t perform their complex washing ritual.

Jesus, always perceptive, saw their error wasn’t about hygiene but about the heart: “You Pharisees are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy — full of greed and wickedness! Fools! Didn’t God make the inside as well as the outside?” (Luke 11:39-40, NLT).

The perception of holiness is sadly often tied to outward appearance. The heart of a godly or truth-seeking person isn’t subject to clothing, style or even personal care. Don’t judge what you can’t see. Instead, wash your own heart to love and accept all as they are so God can use you to wash them with the water of the Word (Ephesians 5:26).


  • What in your heart needs to be cleansed to receive all kinds of people?


Altar Setup

During the Lenten Season, Resurrection has families set the altar for each Mass.

This includes:

  • carrying in a bowl of incense

  • carrying in the altar table runner and putting it on the altar

  • placing the corporal (white napkin-like cloth) on top of the altar

  • lighting the candles next to the altar.

Are you be willing to help? Sign up using the link below and arrive 15 minutes early so we could show you where things are located and how to do everything.

Here is an example of a family setting the altar from a previous Mass so you can see what is involved:

Resurrection has planned numerous opportunities for you to experience as we gather around the Lenten Table. Learn more about all the Lenten resources Resurrection will be provided at our dedicated webpage:

On our daily Lenten journey with Jesus, we go to an “out of the way” place to encounter His presence in Scriptures, Haikus, Reality, and Prayer.

Daily Reflections by Roger Vanden Busch:


Each Lent, Catholic families across the country unite to put their faith into action through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Through CRS Rice Bowl, families learn about how our sisters and brothers across the globe overcome hardships like hunger and malnutrition, and how through Lenten alms, we have the power to make the world a better place for all.


In the Philippines, farmers are learning about the importance of diversifying their livelihoods in order to improve their sources of income and nutrition for their families.

Raul and Rhodora Enecillo live on their farm in Northern Samar, Philippines, with their granddaughters Loraine and Kate.

Raul and Rhodora get up at 5 a.m. each day to tend to the fishpond, pigs and chickens before getting their granddaughters off to school. Education is important to Raul and Rhodora. Their dream is that Loraine and Kate will graduate from college and get good jobs—Loraine wants to be a doctor when she grows up.

For years, Raul and Rhodora worked hard as coconut farmers. After harvesting, they prepared the coconuts for making oil—but it took a lot of work before they made money. On top of that, periods of heavy rain caused flooding, making farming difficult.

Then Raul and Rhodora participated in a Catholic Relief Services program where they received training and assistance to build their own fishpond. They bought little fish to stock the pond, fish food and a net. The fish grew bigger, and soon they were able to sell them at the market. The fishpond also provided food for their family so they could enjoy nutritious meals together.

“Life is so much easier now that we have the fish for our daily living,” Rhodora says.

In the program, Raul and Rhodora also learned how to better prepare for the increasing natural disasters in their area—like typhoons, flooding, earthquakes and landslides. They made improvements to their house, using stronger, sturdier materials to protect their home and family.

Since joining the program, Raul and Rhodora added two more fishponds along with pigs and chickens. With the extra income from their farm, their granddaughters can enjoy their childhood and live a more comfortable life, giving them the opportunity to study hard and finish school.

“I have many dreams for my family and my grandchildren,” Raul says. “I hope I can give them something good.”


  • Work is important and part of God’s plan for adults and families. What chores do you do to help your family?

  • Why is it important to help others have work and an income?

Don’t forget to try the meatless recipes each Friday during Lent.


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:oo on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



Are Good Samaritans angels among us or angels within us? It can be difficult to get involved in the troubles of someone else, especially someone we don't know. But Jesus teaches us to get involved. We need to replace indifference with compassion Join Steve as he reflects on this weekend's gospel.

There is an issue with the video of Steve but the audio is good.

We suggest listening to Steve without watching the video.


Resurrection Parish Core Value Reflections

Prayer Service/Compassionate Action Sharing/Sacrificial Love Hospitality Learning Gratitude Resurrection's core values are what we believe. Roger Vanden Busch has written reflections on each of Resurrection's core values.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)




Ruby and Res

"Is my new necklace too flashy?"



Resurrection Catholic Parish  |  333 Hilltop Dr Green Bay, WI 54301   |   |   Tel: 920-336-7768

 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-3:00pm

©2024 by Resurrection Catholic Parish

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