The Foundation of the Christian Life: Baptism
“Baptism is the door that permits Christ the Lord to make His dwelling in us and allows us to immerse ourselves in His mystery.” Pope Francis
When Jesus was baptized by Saint John the Baptist in the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit came upon him. Baptism is the first of the Seven Sacraments that brings us into communion with the church and is the foundation of Christian life.
Baptism is a gift from God to us. We do not earn this gift because God gives it freely to all who are open to it. The grace of Baptism gives us the power to live and act as disciples of Christ in the world. Faith, hope, and charity, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and other virtues are received at Baptism. What began at Baptism takes a lifetime to grow into but with the gifts received, it is possible.
During the celebration of the baptismal rite, you will notice many symbols: water, oil and the white baptismal garment. The rituals during the ceremony remind us that through Baptism, we are born into and anointed for new life in Christ (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1243).
The baptismal candle is another symbol used during the baptismal ceremony. Lit from the Easter candle, the baptismal candle is a sign that, through Christ, the baptized become the light of the world. Baptism makes us disciples to the world and calls us to live out the Church’s mission. And this mission involves caring for the poor and vulnerable in our communities, and around the world.
Baptism in Your Church of the Home
Reflect: How do you shine the light of Christ given to you at your Baptism? Do you shine every day? How can you instill this light in your Church of the Home so it can continue to grow?
Put all the baptismal days of those living in your Church of the Home on your calendar to be celebrated as an anniversary each year. If possible, invite godparents/sponsors to gather for a meal. Remember that day together and share stories of family baptisms.
Bless each other tracing the sign of the cross, “You are a child of God and a gift from God.” Use blessed water from the baptismal font at church. Bottles are available to collect the baptismal water and bring to your Church of the Home.
Join us for Mass this weekend in person
at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
God's ways are very different from our ways. He expects us to speak the truth and to improve our current status quo. And when the world we live in becomes out of whack with the kingdom of God, it is from unexpected sources that God calls upon to build relationships of grace and connection. Join Bridget as she reflects on this weekend's gospel.
This Weekend's Bulletin
(click to read)
Parish Lyceum
The Parish Lyceum will feature a variety of topics, guidelines, and relevant information to nurture the PIESS of our lives – physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social.
Recent Losses in Our Parish Family
Items requested:
Cake Mixes
Canned Frosting
Medium-sized Birthday Bags
Blank Birthday Cards
Disposable Cake Pans
Birthday Candles
Party Hats
Mini Stuffed Animals
Small Toys
Ruby and Res
Ruby loves being with friends at Generations of Disciples nights but is confused as to why she doesn't get to have a candle too. She can bring the light of Christ into the world too, right?