Loving All God's People, All the Time
The world is in need of hope, healing, mercy, and, most importantly, love. As people of the Resurrection, we are called to fulfill those needs and to be the living body of Christ in the world. We are to be Jesus to all people and see Jesus in everyone we encounter.
In his letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul writes "For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers." St. Paul prays in thanksgiving for us when we love all God's people.
Unfortunately, sometimes we fall short of showing love to everyone. All of us have people in our lives whom we don't especially like, people we'd rather avoid than love. But we are called to love "all of God's people," even our enemies. This kind of love comes only from God through the Holy Spirit who is within us and helps us to love when we fail.
Last weekend, Deacon Kevin introduced a field guide that identifies 5 values in which Resurrection can utilize when encountering any one of God's people. These values remind us how to love. They can help us in rising toward the ideal of loving all God's people, all the time.
Connect to Inspire
One by one, we will meet all God’s people where they are, as they are, giving them an inspiring encounter with the hope and joy of Jesus.
Embrace People’s Hearts
As followers of Jesus, we are the front line of love. We embrace all God’s people in heart-to-heart relationships.
Empower to Act
We are called to put faith into action, to serve the least among us, work for justice, and live as channels of Christ’s transforming love in the world.
Explore Potential
We encourage all people to discover the holiness of creation, to develop their gifts and talents and share their sacred potential.
Nurture Abundant Life & Growth
Through encounter and connection, we invite all God’s people to embrace life as both gift and journey, always growing and expanding in love.
Every day we have an opportunity to go deeper in prayer, to heal our broken world, share our stories, and live with a servant's heart. How is your Church of the Home embracing this message and these values?
As a Church of the Home, read through the Field Guide of Encounter. Reflect on its message and values.
Who are the people in your life whom you find it difficult to love?
What techniques can you employ when you are struggling to love.
How can your Church of the Home welcome everyone, especially those that hold different ideas from you?
How can you recognize the needs of others, and not just their differences from you?
What does your Church of the Home believe should be included in the next edition of the field guide?
The field guide is available at all church entrances and online at www.gbres.org/lovingall. Also, all are encouraged to contribute to the next edition of the field guide as we update pictures, simplify, and fine tune some of the pages. Share your ideas online or with the forms found near the field guides at the church entrances.
Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on www.gbres.org/live, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
When situations in our lives and our communities get messy, a leader is needed to create change and make things right. The world calls for people who can go beyond themselves and work for the common good. Join Fr Paul as he reflects on the Gospel for this weekend.
This Weekend's Bulletin
(click to read)
Resurrection is Hiring!
The primary focus of this position is to provide secretarial and IT assistance for our Pastoral Staff. If you are interested in being part of our dynamic staff, contact Mary Vanden Busch, Business Administrator, at 920-336-7768 ext. 123 or mvandenbusch@gbres.org
What does corn say when you give it a compliment?
Ruby and Res
Somebody found a new hiding place - under the reception desk!