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We want to welcome you to our family at Resurrection Parish! 

We are so grateful that you can be a part of us!

You can be an important part of who we are as the Body of Christ here in the Green Bay area. St. Paul worked hard to bring together believing Christians who loved Jesus and desired to live out their lives in service to him as a disciple. Whether you are a parish member or visiting our site for the first time, our desire is for you to be a part of our continued pursuit of following Jesus in all we do. 

Praying Hands - Let us be a grateful people

We are all on this journey of faith. As you are looking at our website it may mean you desire to be even more involved in our community. Whether living nearby or from afar, you can participate through prayer, our faith formation programs or through the many ways we as a community reach out to those in need.  


Here is something for you to pray about as you find yourself searching for a deeper relationship with Jesus and a faith community. Often people think that the ‘whole’ of any organization stands on its own. This is not true. Even more so in a church structure, the ‘whole’ only exists because of its parts. As we gather at Resurrection Parish, know that you are welcome to share your gifts and talents with us.

You can become a part of our parish that allows us to grow and reach out to others in Christ. We need you so that we can all become more alive in our faith!  Our website holds many opportunities to engage in the life of the Resurrection community and beyond.  If you have questions or suggestions about our programs or how you can share your gifts, I’d love to hear from you.  Our friendly staff is always available to assist you and are eager to meet you. Our contact information is within our weekly bulletin or at the bottom of this website. 

St. Paul emphasizes that we are all the presence of Jesus within the Body of Christ that worships and serves here at Resurrection Parish. 


Thank you for your desire to be a part our community of disciples. 



Fr. Tom 


“For as in one body we have many parts, and all the parts do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another. Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them”
(St. Paul to the Romans 12:4-6) 

Resurrection Catholic Parish  |  333 Hilltop Dr Green Bay, WI 54301   |   |   Tel: 920-336-7768

 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-3:00pm

©2024 by Resurrection Catholic Parish

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